Communication between a client and our staff is the cornerstone to providing the best possible services and promoting an enjoyable and mutually beneficial business relationship for future assignments. That is exactly the end result that transpired when I first spoke with Sarah from Schein Ernst Mishra Eye in Harrisburg.
Sarah was a joy to work with and immediately presented Your Language Connection their business’s need for linguists in several languages to facilitate their patients’ doctor’s appointments.
Your Language Connection emailed a Rate Sheet to Sarah and set up a meeting to discuss the services that would best fit the needs of their office and their patients. We decided an in-person interpreter was best rather than virtual attendance, in order to provide the patient with all the information, as well as being on-site to alleviate any concerns and questions from both the patient and the staff. We also discussed how YLC could provide an interpreter, and the logistics involved.
We worked with their business, to develop a system to help communicate with patients that do not speak English: Our interpreters would contact the patient to set up the appointment or make a reminder call if the date and time had been set up, and have the opportunity to speak with the patient prior to the appointment to introduce themselves, make sure the language or dialect requested is correct, and inform the patient that they would meet them at the doctor’s office on their scheduled date. YLC would also provide a courtesy reminder call to the patient a day or two before the appointment. Sarah then provided the needed languages, the dates and times, patient contact information, phone numbers, and emails, and we were set to assign a number of our trained linguists for Sarah and her business.
Your Language Connection reached out to our linguists to set up their availability for Sarah. At this point, we communicated with Sarah again and were able to confirm the names and contact information of the interpreters with whom she would be working. We followed up with Sarah to make sure there were no problems getting the appointments scheduled and confirmed with the patients and assured her that the interpreters would also be making a reminder call a day or two before the appointment.
Communication, teamwork, and caring staff at the doctor’s office enhance the experience and provide peace of mind for the patient while affording them the courtesy any other patient would receive. Sarah and her staff at the office of Schein Ernst Mishra went to great lengths to put their patients’ needs first and provided a great service for those in their community.
YLC is dedicated to helping individuals transition into different communities, and Sarah gave us the opportunity to work with several patients in the Harrisburg area. We thank you for the opportunity and look forward to continuing to assist you in the future. It truly has been our pleasure.
We strongly welcome the opportunity to work with other offices to provide linguists who are able to work with patients and clients in order to make a stressful situation more relaxing and friendly by being able to communicate with them, alleviate any questions, and provide the clear, accurate communication needed.