At Your Language Connection, we love what we do! We are privileged to serve the needs of our diverse community by providing top-notch language services to the businesses and organizations that make Lancaster and the surrounding area a great place to call home!
So, in honor of our 25th anniversary, we want to share that love and multiply our impact by donating five percent of our April invoices to five different Lancaster non-profit organizations. 5×5=25!
Our administrative team, in consultation with those who work closely with us, have chosen the following five recipients of those contributions:
• Church World Services welcomes refugees and other new neighbors into our area, providing food and shelter, and lifting the voices of those who are left out. Their mission is akin to our goal of empowering communities through language.
• The Lancaster Education Foundation partners with the School District of Lancaster to support excellent and equitable education in our community. So much of what we do in Your Language Connection helps to empower young people and their families.
• The Lancaster County Community Foundation works to build a community where every individual is valued, has a sense of belonging and has the opportunity to thrive. Your Language Connection seeks to empower our diverse community so that everyone in it can truly thrive.
• United Way of Lancaster County gives, advocates and volunteers to build a lasting legacy in Lancaster County. They provide a wealth of resources and information to our area and we echo their cry to advocate for all our neighbors in need of empowerment.
• United Disabilities Service Foundation offers comprehensive care solutions to enable those living with a permanent or temporary disability to live as they wish. They work to empower those who could easily be left at the margins, just as we do.
We hope you’ll agree that we have chosen five organizations that do so much to empower our community. If you’d like to share in our beloved work of empowering communities through language, and you’re looking for ways to partner with us in 2025, please reach out to us to see how we can multiply our impact together.