What is the biggest way to make a positive impact in your relationships, both personal and professional? Communication, right? This amazing thing called language is what humans invented so that I can try to get what’s in my head over to what’s in your head. The better we communicate, the better our relationship.
Wouldn’t you then want to invest in making sure your employees had the tools they need to communicate effectively? And what if that investment doesn’t cost as much as you think?
Let’s look at some of the options Your Language Connection can offer your business:
We also offer intensive guided tutoring where a certified instructor works one-on-one with an employee, either to learn basic communication in a language or the skills he or she needs to perform a current job or in a potential future role for which you’re preparing this valuable asset to your company. This training is available for as little as $65 an hour. The impact of this investment on employee loyalty can be invaluable to a business. Imagine if you used this to help that employee with amazing leadership potential. So many of your employees look up to her, but you know she needs some help to handle the paperwork demands of the middle-management position where she would otherwise excel.
We have designed a course in mastering just the professional communicative competencies required in the business world. This course goes beyond the basics of language to also address those key issues to successful interpersonal relationships: body language, assertiveness, self-reflection, peer criticism, negotiation and active listening. This course is available at a cost of $30 an hour. Imagine if you enrolled your recent immigrant into this course, someone who came here with technical skills and a well-developed English language ability, but who just doesn’t seem to understand the unwritten rules of American business practices.
We have fully customizable, on-site language classes. The cost of twenty sessions of our targeted conversational language training have shown to boost language proficiency levels using standardized proficiency tests. Those twenty sessions only cost your business $2000-2500 depending on the level of customization. We can offer these classes to as many as 12 students online or 20 students in person. Which means that you can pay as little as $5 per employee per hour of live, in-person interactive instruction. Imagine what you could do to teach your entry-level employees some English and their management some basic Spanish, all targeted not to what the next lesson is in the pre-planned book the others are selling, but according to the vocabulary and terminology essential to your business.
In case $65, $30 or even $5 is still breaking the budget, we will work with you to see if you qualify to receive funding from sources like WedNetPA, the Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania, or other agencies or partnerships. Several of our current clients are eligible and receive 100% reimbursement for the training they offer their employees.
Free or extremely low-cost, high-impact training targeted to help the one thing that helps grow and sustain the relationships your business needs to prosper, look no further than Your Language Connection to help your business thrive.