You are likely to have more foreign-born than native-born workers as employees if your business is in service, natural resources, construction, maintenance, production, transportation or logistics. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

We learned during the pandemic that a higher share of foreign-born workers than native-born workers are deemed essential to the day-to-day functioning of our country. (Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Senate)

Armed with this knowledge, what are you doing to support your foreign-born workers to help your business thrive?

At Your Language Connection, we offer professional, confidential interpretation services to ensure that your workers get the respect and the attention they need during sensitive Human Resources meetings, contract issues, and benefits enrollment. Having someone there who can help them understand how your HR team helps them beyond just signing their checks can give you a competitive edge in recruiting and retaining your employees.

We understand that with a wealth of diverse employees, you may have bilingual employees on staff. However, having one employee interpret for another in certain situations is not always ethical or legal. Our team can offer training to make you and these employees aware of confidentiality and privacy requirements to keep your business out of hot legal waters.

We offer on-site English as a Second Language Classes. We will work with you to customize a program to provide a maximum benefit for your company, and then provide instructors who specialize in English Language Acquisition to come to your facilities and conduct practical, conversational classes to get communication flowing in your workplace.

We can also work to build bridges between management and the employees. We offer classes in a wide variety of languages and cultures to help you communicate with and understand the home life of your employees. Showing your employees that you value them and their experiences will make them loyal to you and may even cause them to recruit friends and family to work for you as well.


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